9/11 Revisited

Believe or not to believe. That is the bloody question! One hears so much lies and BS on the media that we get difficulties recognizing the truth even if right there in front of us. Politicizing the understanding of a. truth seems to have become the predisposition of neo-fascism in certain political and media spheres of the USA .When left-wing commentators denounce 9/11 truth activists, the activist/s are derided as right-wing conspiracy freaks -- lumped in with the Tea Party and various hate groups. When it is the Right's turn to attack, those seeking answers about 9/11 are uniformly painted as Bush-burnt America haters, the very worst of the left-wing losers.
Today we wake up to a new media frenzy over Iranian President Ahmadinejad, apparently being now a 9/11 denier. By reading his actual and unedited speech, one realizes Ahmadinejad to have simply echoed what has been rumoured by everyone, everywhere. It could however be a wanton attempt by established news outlets in pretending concernment, but in reality thinking “well said” and hoping to cause the necessary fuss and generate the required publicity for future headlines and may be research permissions on the issue, certainly only to refute Ahmadinejad for their respective editorials ;). Whatever the case, Iran’s Ahmadinejad seems the man of the hour, yet again by going on record in the United Nations and officially claiming doubts over the 9/11 events the USA emphasizes so much upon…. After all two wars have started based on that event, many restrictions and control mechanisms were placed on the American society ever since, not least almost all Western democracies have coordinated their intelligence sharing apparatus like flight information and Bank transactions with each other and the US intelligence, all because of the black & white version of the 9/11 events.
Ahmadinejad's unedited speech
Predicting the immediate future is easy; the establishment (anti-conspiracy) will attack Ahmadinejad and relate the Holocaust denial with 9/11, and rest its case. The anti establishment (left wing pro-conspiracy) people will let the dust to settle and build on the new arisen interest with new reports and assessments….Until the glorious day where an insider appears and confesses to have been the man or woman to plant the explosives in the building prior to 9/11. What all this media mayhem would mean to the Iran-USA relations, remains to be seen but by the looks of it Iran seems to be indicating a dual alley of dialogue and hostility. USA would serve its interests and that of Iran’s well if it could finally resist the AIPAC lobby and start dealing directly with Iran.
Here a little underpinning