9/11 Revisited

Believe or not to believe. That is the bloody question! One hears so much lies and BS on the media that we get difficulties recognizing the truth even if right there in front of us. Politicizing the understanding of a. truth seems to have become the predisposition of neo-fascism in certain political and media spheres of the USA .When left-wing commentators denounce 9/11 truth activists, the activist/s are derided as right-wing conspiracy freaks -- lumped in with the Tea Party and various hate groups. When it is the Right's turn to attack, those seeking answers about 9/11 are uniformly painted as Bush-burnt America haters, the very worst of the left-wing losers. Today we wake up to a new media frenzy over Iranian President Ahmadinejad, apparently being now a 9/11 denier. By reading his actual and unedited speech, one realizes Ahmadinejad to have simply echoed what has been rumoured by everyone, everywhere. It could however be a wanton attempt by established news outlets in pretendin...