Just another debate...

An Interesting discussion by a panel over Obama and his Iranian challenge, which took place on April 1st 2010 at the University of California. A short biography of those taking part to understand their positions are as follows;
Reese Erlich, was an eyewitness to history, covering the Iranian elections, when over an estimated two hundred thousand pro-Mousavi (opposition candidate) demonstrators marched through the streets of Iran. Previously, Erlich had travelled to Iran with the actor Sean Penn. Erlich’s photos accompanied Penn’s five-part series about the trip that appeared in the SF Chronicle, and later appeared in an A&E biography of Penn.
Larry Greenfield, a Fellow at the Claremont Institute, where he writes and lectures on national security issues. He is also the Executive Director of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Greenfield is a member of the California Republican Party Executive Committee and a former Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition. He recently lectured on missile defence and the insisted threat of Iranian Nuclear activities at the Jerusalem Conference in Israel. Mr. Greenfield earned his BA from UC Berkeley and his law degree the Georgetown University Law Centre.
Christopher Records, is a fourth-year History major at UC Riverside. His commentaries, op-eds and editorials have appeared in the Highlander Newspaper Opinions section for four years. He started with the Highlander as a freshman and is currently serving as the Editor of the Opinions section. His op-ed covers a wide variety of subjects, including foreign policy.
Scott Horton , is the host of Antiwar Radio for KAOS Radio 95.9 FM in Austin, Texas and “antiwar.com” where he is also assistant editor. Horton, a Libertarian, has conducted over 900 interviews with journalists, politicians, pundits, lawyers and experts on foreign policy and wartime law. Guests have included Eric Margolis, Ron Paul, Ray McGovern, Daniel Ellsberg, Russel Means, John Cusack, Pat Buchanan, Noam Chomsky, Lew Rockwell, Patrick Cockburn, James Bamford, Sibel Edmonds, Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Bacevich, Robert A. Pape, and near weekly appearances by Gareth Porter. Horton won the Austin Chronicle's "Best of Austin" award "Best Iraq War Insight and Play by Play" for Antiwar Radio in 2007. In 2004, Horton served as foreign policy adviser to Libertarian Party presidential candidate Michael Badnarik.
It’s a 2:33 hours Video, and it covers other facts of the region that relates and clarifies many questions regarding many of the “Modus Operandi’s” of the US State Department… have patience and watch it all…