Brainwashing !

We hear so much about he/she being brainwashed, and never think what this phrase really means. When we look into the simple, yet aggressive conversion of this inhuman act, then we realize how easy it is to create realities for public consumption that actually never happened or punish and present guilty persons to the press to broadcast, whilst the real guilty entities hide behind their lobbies and powerful friends.
How do they brainwash an individual in 8 steps….
1- Taking over and initiating an environment of “Total control” (every aspect of a subject, even his sleep gets regulated. After a while the subject accepts the notion of others being in total control)
2- Insecurity (Subject will be hopelessly bullied and impolitely accused, without mentioning any charges.. implying the subject knows best, why he/she is in the situation)
3- Isolation (subject gets isolated from everything and everyone, only selective information is allowed for subjects orientation)
4- Torture ( Subject is put constantly under duress, physically and emotionally…if a man, then it will probably be about his wife sleeping with his friend, by women it will be a bit different like children or etc… The most important issue here, is the enforced sleeplessness, which increases receptiveness for psychological insertions)
5- Diet ( Subject is put on a special diet, to initiate weight loss and physical dehydration)
6- Humiliation (Subject will be treated with an unaccustomed manner of disrespect, the higher the subjects social status… the more humiliating the approach)
7- Make believe ( Subject will be hoaxed into a state of belief, to consider a situation as a fact of life and circumstances)
8- Initiating a review ( Subject is encouraged to review his actions and words of the past to find moments that confirm the above mentioned “make believe”…. very effective after a period of emotional shock and awe)
Reading the lines above might make the impression to many readers that all could be controlled and considered not much of a challenge to start with, but rest assured, these methods are being implemented on a daily basis to make and break people. One has to consider the victims that are exposed to the above mentioned abuses, not for days and months, but years to prepare a person for presenting specific confessions to crimes or events that would eventually turn thousands of affidavits into worthless pieces of paper, and save a Government against billions of dollars worth of endless legal processes.
The USA has over a 1000 bases across the world and Guantanamo is not the only base where people turn up with confessions to crimes that should avoid a new myth, a la “Kennedy assassination” on crimes/events like the 11th Sept.2001….... Mind you! if suddenly an Iranian or a Russian individual turns up and claims Iran has WMD or Nuclear weapons, then be very very skeptical, because somebody or some very greedy lobby in the USA wants the control over Iran's resources through a war and the claim is only the result of a monitored and engineered chain of public stultification to get the war….. The Press which is supposed to be a guarantor for asking and researching the issue , has long been conquered and are in the meantime more fanatical than the hawks of AIPAC, who happen to be behind all the mischiefs across the globe.
Now multiply that by infinity, take that to the depth of forever, and you will have a glimpse of what is undertaken when a nation is brainwashed....
Clip underneath is a try to simplify.