Disloyal ally

The Russians are not exactly famous for their nobility, when one looks at the Russian society what strikes one the most is the highly developed self-centered individualism that seems to have been bred into their personal culture ever since they were born. It is utterly wrong to assume this national characteristic to be a new post Soviet phenomenon, quite the opposite it has always been there and probably the main cause of their total defeat in the cold war. Their defeat was not because the Americans were better, but because the Russians sold out their allies and friends at every possible opportunity to safeguard very short-term strategic gains, which evaporated at the end of the month, but the ally, was gone forever.
This very same feature, seen by the Russians as a “Virtue” did however cost them many lives during the Stalin era, which was conveniently blamed on the WW2 and the Nazis. When we dig further in history, we see so much betrayal and so much back stabbing that one could consider this kind of behavior as pathological. Best said, the Russians are not faithful friends and by no means reliable business partners, as political allies, they are a catastrophe and doomed to fail everyone and everything they come into touch with, and thus it is that Iran finds itself at loggerheads with its strategically once important ( Putin Era) ally for disloyalty and their selling out of Iran. The audacity with witch a Russian adviser claimed Russia only considers Russian interests and none other, shows how politically short sighted the norm of their political aspirations are and once again self-evident to why the Americans need not be worry about the Russians, since their predictability is so one sided, and that makes them “ affordable” at anytime and anyplace.
A third party element/country/Company, should it be interested in indulging in any business activity with a Russian company now be it state owned or the private sector, would have doubts in making any commitments and sign any long or short term business contracts. It is more than evident how irresponsibly dishonorable the Russian behavior could be in abandoning their promises and commitments by changing the rules of engagement in the middle of the game, (The Busher Power plant and the S-300 delivery are just 2 recent issues with alone Iran). The Iranians are well advised not to build their castles on Russian ingenuity, simply make sure Iran can plunder the Russian Soviet era know-how, then reverse engineer whatever needed. The Iranians should rest assure, the future belongs to Iran, now be it with or without the Russians as friends or with or without the Russians as enemies.