Despotic policies against Iran

(The following article contains excerpts and quotations from Mr K.Ziabari)
Every time one hears the words of “all options are on the table“ regarding Iran, one tends to ask oneself..... What bloody table is this new AIPAC stooge, talking about? We should for one instance, forget the options or better said the only option of War which is actually meant(recently we hear of this modern day uncle Tom to be threatening Iran with Nuclear weapons !!!) Rather consider the table that they keep talking about, by table we mean “who” takes it upon itself to judge and rule on a 75 million nation to starve and suffer crippling sanctions, or in some cases a blunt demand for war. A war recommended by a bunch of corrupt US politicians, whom alone the mention of the words US politicians one knows to doubt their ability to even pinpoint Iran on a World Map. All this should raise one important question in our minds, “Why” are those whose history has repeatedly proved their violent political nature and by that we mean the US, France and Israel, should possess different forms of Nuclear weapons but Iran despite of the absence of the slightest form of negative evidence, regarding its Nuclear activities, should be subjected to such systematic political pressure, amplified by a cowardly manipulative International Press.
The same old game that has once been played on Iran in the early 50's, resorting to ruthless black propaganda operations,inventing fantastic stories of deceptive nature and etc.. The New York Times as the spearhead encouraging new found blogs with permanent and constant flow of disinformation regarding Iran’s every single move,is one notable block. To give you an idea, lets say we have a simple national railway station inauguration in Iran, the New York Times turns it into a military monstrosity that threatens "Joe the six pack" or some other 9to5 US patriot by claiming their "trailer" life style is suddenly in jeapordy. In the past three decades, the U.S. has vigorously been carrying out media operations to incite anti-Iranian sentiments. Some recent efforts include the establishment of websites such as “United Against Nuclear Iran” and the Hollywood production of movies like “300″ and “The Wrestler”. The battle for public perception is not limited to mainstream media outlets, but also involves bloggers who have been similarly mobilized to take part in the demonization of Iran and that includes carrying out constant psychological operations as one of the most sensitive and delicate responsibilities for the U.S. Army, namely the CIA’s Special Activities Division (SAD) and National Clandestine Service (NCS)to be more precise. SAD is in charge of providing the U.S. President with “special” options where diplomacy and military action is likely to fail. We may not forget, these kind of operations have been successful in undermining countries that are not in the same political orbit as the US before, some examples are… Bolivia, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and now they want it done on Iran.
In Iran, people have not forgotten the U.S.-backed coup d’etat of 1953 that brought down the democratic government of Dr. Mosaddeq kick starting the tyranny of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The SAD has furthermore accomplished numerous other operations, several of which have been uncovered by journalists. In 2008, Seymour Hersh published an article in the New Yorker and revealed that the Bush administration had taken practical steps, including the authorization of a Presidential Finding to legitimize the illegal entry of paramilitary troops into Iran, through the borders of Iraq, so as to help overthrow the government of Iran. In order to reinforce his claims ,Hersh further revealed, based on the documents he had obtained, some of the other costly manipulations of SAD in history, namley winning the parliamentary elections in 1948 and 1960s and overthrowing the government of Guatemala, the staging of the 1957 coup d’etat of Indonesia that removed from power the popular, democratically-elected President Ahmad Sukarno which led to a terrible massacre in which almost 1 million people lost their lives, not to forget the Iranian Coup of 1953. Considering all the above mentioned facts, a repeat of it all under the decree of someone who won a Nobel Prize of “Peace” is sickening. May be it was too soon for An Afro-American to become President in the US,someone who has to go the extra "immoral" mile to prove to the White Anglo-Zionist establishment in the US to be worthy.