Darfur simplified

The Darfur conflict was ongoing in the Darfur region of western Sudan between the Janjaweed, a Sudanese-government-supported armed militia recruited from local Arab tribes, and the black African peoples of the region. The conflict has been widely described as "ethnic cleansing". So far an estimated 10,000 /30,000 people had already been killed, and more than one million people displaced from their homes. Two local rebel groups called “JEM” and the “SLA” are accusing the government of Sudan of oppressing black Africans in favor of Arabs furthermore they claim, the government of Sudan mounted a campaign of aerial bombardment supporting ground attacks by an Arab militia, the so called “Janjaweed”. The Janjaweeds were further accused of committing serious human rights violations, including mass killing, looting, and rapes of the non-Arab population of Darfur.
We must keep in mind, the two anti Sudan Government groups of JEM and SLA started the conflict in 2003 by attacking the Government installations, probably placing their hopes and trust in international support and sympathy due to the post 9/11 extreme islamophobia attitudes in the US administration. The reaction of the Government of Sudan turned out to be very rational and traditionally efficient. The Government of Sudan armed the local population, empowering them to defend and protect themselves and national institutions. This move did perhaps kick start a massive retaliatory movement which lacked central supervision. The West or better said some Western arms dealer active in central and west Africa helped the anti Sudan movement by arming the local black population of Darfur and supporters of JEM and SLA. The outcome of a direct conflict was a catastrophe for the “Non Arab” population of Darfur, causing deaths and destructions to their infrastructure and one of the biggest displacements in Africa ever documented.
Unlike other instigated conflicts in Africa, the Darfur conflict could not have had any other outcome as what is now known and decried across the world. The Janjaweed due to apparent racial reasons were in no need of any intelligence support or any extra military back up in Sudan to locate and recognize their enemy, all they did was get on their horses and trucks, hunt Black Africans and push them out into their neighboring state of Chad. The problem now is putting the Janjaweeds on a leash again but constant Western interferences kept delaying any solutions, the West kept condemning political personalities of that region who were not in their political orbit as one way to pretend that they were caring, this hypocritical approach went as far as to having an international warrant issued for a head of state.. the Sudanese President (not in their international political orbit). The conflict in this African country is a foreign sponsored conflict and every country has the right to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, specially when its rich with resources.
Now, there is finally hope of a solution since JEM is negotiating with the central Government,(with the help of Qatar) and the USA has sent a representative to observe the negotiations… one must wonder why ! but I suppose it is better for them (USA) to be there and help set the deal up for the different interest groups (lobby's) in the US than having to start and instigate a new conflict to optimize yet another deal. One important issue here, the fantastic statistics given out by the BBC, CNN, FOX and the rest of the mouthpieces of western propaganda machineries are not to be trusted when they speak of millions of displaced and hundreds of thousands of dead… it is simply a “lie” or better said disinformation to cause disgust , The proper numbers are mentioned above.