The art of observation

Be not concerned with what is seen and observed, but concentrate on the perception. Attempting to comprehend the act of observation in order to justify and understand the thought itself. Managing to listen “oneself” thinking is perhaps one of the most inspiring experiences, any good observer could possibly master, making sense of it maybe an art not quite acknowledged and recognized in our global, digital world. This very personal ritual could give any observer, an internal personal firewall in filtering out the truth from the facts. The ever conflicts of interests, the who's and hows and most importantly the whys of an event. Finally the passage of time, either manifests the accuracy of ones conclusions or the opposite, some call this experience,others intuition but whatever it is, it must not be distorting.
The reflections of events, is mostly analysis and understandings based on persons and events in every observers life. One can not understand the effects of a society at war, when one has not experienced living in one, is one perception, another would be someone telling another of hunger, without ever been hopelessly hungry. The ever shifting perspective of our modern time reporting, has created alternative realities that have become irreversibly dangerous. Those who care so much about fairness and justice, observe how repeating “untrue” allegations have become self evident in the minds of populists and ignorants to an extend that a new war in the middle east is not “unthinkable” anymore. Constant repeating of the “untrue” allegations have pushed western populist politicians so far that any U-turn could equal personal or political suicide.
Some famous guy once said, “Problem with our world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts”. Considering the avant-guard of every nation to have a different approach regarding social and international issues, then conflicts are inevitable. The definition of politicians as avant.guard could be considered a paradox, but not in the case of Iran and the USA with regard to their allies, lobbies or their regional and international influences or sympathy s and lastly their developments. If we really stand still for a while and simply observe in the manner described above, then one must admit, Iran must let the dice role, and endure this odyssey as long as it is needed, otherwise they shall be pushed around and torn apart, not to mention them losing face in the international arena.
The same artificial anti Iran attitude instigated by the UK through the “Media” has once been there in the early 50’s, when Iran decided to nationalize its Oil industry and so the West (USA and UK) put Iran under unthinkable sanctions next to bedeviling Iran's every move and thus stopped Iran from even selling its Oil for food until Iran agreed to sell its Oil cheaper to the British and the US Oil companies. Iran has now understood, that they are being blackmailed and deprived of their rights because they gave up so easily in the 50’s and that should not happen anymore. Iran has to be flexible now and save energy and intelligence, watch every move and remember who did what and when, a good public relation is important, above all patience because time is truly on Iran's side, since there is no difference between time and eternity.
Despite present and media evidence to the contrary, Iran shall prevail in its quest to become an alpha nation within the next two decades, now with or without sanctions or in a worse case scenario, with or without a military strike.