Turkish dilemma

Turkey is known by all to be a very nationalistic country, also known is their socially secular attitude due to reforms based on the personality cult of “Ataturk” who kick-started Turkeys modern era by changing (God knows why ! ) their alphabet and insisting to be European and not Asian. Turkeys diverse religious affiliations are not so traditionally anchored in their society as in some other oriental countries, yet the peoples of Turkey, consisting mainly of Turks and Kurds (“Mountain Turks” as the Turkish majority insists to call its Kurdish minority) have voted into power an Islamic oriented political party which has been astonishingly successful in both economical and geopolitical spheres. However, this success came partly along with their willingness to play Israel’s “silent Bob” and giving them the necessary alibi when the Israelis went on their regular shooting sprees to create and safeguard their living space.
The “Gaza” war and its horrendous genocidal outcome, was somehow even too much of an act for the Turks to follow. They made their objections felt in Davous 2009 Jan.29, where an open confrontation between the Turkish PM and the Israeli President resulted in the exposure of how ridiculously biased and one sided this gathering is when you decide to criticise Israel.
A few weeks ago, the issue of their ambassador being insulted and Turkey demanding an apology was in the news, then the issue of the Turkish President “Gul” refusing an invitation to Israel because of the Palestinian Concentration Camp of “Gaza”. Somehow, Israel had enough of this constant open harassment and embarrassments, not to mention the Turkish open support for the Iranian Nuclear issue. The Israelis decided to use their AIPAC agents and lobby groups and rent a few congressional representatives in the US to show the Turks not to throw with stones whilst sitting in a glasshouse. (Other words punish their impudence)
Yesterday a US Congressional Panel, declared the Armenian dispute with Turkey over its 1915-1917 evaluations of the events as “genocide” bringing Turkey into a very small group of countries ever to have been guilty of such a crime. One can distinctly see the hastily arranged “tit for tat” revenge response of the Israelis upon Turkey. One might want to add, Turkey’s dream of Europe has been pushed further away, thanks to Israel, since we have seen what Israeli prefects in some European countries have managed to achieve (Sarkozy’s Presidency in France and Miliband’s ministerial position in the UK are just 2 small issues).
Whatever the outcome of this political finger showing, the Turks cannot afford to have themselves trivialized by the Israelis, and they are best advised not to give in, should they give in, they should know, they shall be “ridden” for the next 100 years. Whatever the case, the Turks are now a few steps closer to emancipate and be cured of their inferiority complex to Europe.
Underneath the famous sparring match in Davous on Jan 29 2009 with English subtitles