The three above mentioned terms could easily be considered the “Misnomers” of 2009/2010, unfortunately not all of them have received equal attention in the press which will become perfectly comprehensible if we look at the perpetrators….. now a few words to each term.

Organ Harvesting: A Swedish newspaper broke the news, and finally after much careful research and undercover investigations,(well aware of the usual systematic consequences) they confirmed what so many Palestinians have been claiming for decades. The Israelis have been arresting (randomly at times) Palestinian youths, and after having kept them in their prisons for a while releases them, then tracks them down and kill them removing their Organs and sending it to a syndicate in New York. All of what they did with these “harvested organs” was uncovered by the FBI last year. The Rabbies that were arrested for dealing with these organs naturally refused to acknowledge where the organs were coming from. My point of interest is not much the fact that such inhumanities have been taking place, because it happens almost everywhere! but the most amazing matter here was, the fact that no established Western media outlet even dared to follow up on this. It was and is the same old story, the Swedish newspaper is now officially an anti semitic monster, and I suppose any one, ever even mentioning this Israeli monstrosity, will be stamped as such.

Sexual Abuse : Christianity and its Churches have been guilty of many crimes throughout their history, in every stage of their developments, their conflicts were invariably solved with the eradication of the other, not to mention the millions that were systematically murdered under the so called Inquisition. Societies tend to forget painful events, that’s why they tend to be constantly surprised to hear of not quite new atrocities by the same perpetrators, over and over again.Throughout last year, we kept reading and hearing of perhaps one of the most cowardly acts anyone could possibly commit upon wards and entrusted children. Realistically speaking, one could consider priests and chaplains as people who do not find their way around in the real world and so decide to hide behind high walls and long capes. Behind these walls, they learn to play and manipulate peoples beliefs through carefully seeded guilts, not to mention the promotion of ever existent superstitions to get what they want, but in recent times it seems their hypocrisies and predatory actions are coming back to haunt them. Lets simply hope people learn what these institutions really represent.

Extremism: The man you see pictured here, is the Imam or Mufti of a holy site in “Mecca” in Saudi Arabia. This man like all so called clergymen, are mostly very conditional friends of peace and humanity. This man (whose name we purposly withhold like the ones above) propagates and preaches murder on a daily basis. His wish to kill (yes kill) all Iranians for being heretics, is just one little aspect of his charm. Hard to believe for those not familiar with this kind of mentality but this ridiculous ideologies can only be obtained in a “Wahabi” school of thought. Should you not know who they are, then the name of “Bin-Laden” should bring back the memory missing.One has to consider, when such an extremist, demands the blood of fellow Muslims, what could possibly be his wish for the rest of the World, should his aspirations be unleashed. Unleashed they are though in Pakistan and Afghanistan financed and sponsored by the state of Saudi Arabia, but yet again nobody in the West seems to have the slightest interest to even bring the subject up as long as anti-Iranianism is the outcome as a side effect. Damn their cheap Oil, for they could burn the World twice over and still be smiled at.

Organ Harvesting: A Swedish newspaper broke the news, and finally after much careful research and undercover investigations,(well aware of the usual systematic consequences) they confirmed what so many Palestinians have been claiming for decades. The Israelis have been arresting (randomly at times) Palestinian youths, and after having kept them in their prisons for a while releases them, then tracks them down and kill them removing their Organs and sending it to a syndicate in New York. All of what they did with these “harvested organs” was uncovered by the FBI last year. The Rabbies that were arrested for dealing with these organs naturally refused to acknowledge where the organs were coming from. My point of interest is not much the fact that such inhumanities have been taking place, because it happens almost everywhere! but the most amazing matter here was, the fact that no established Western media outlet even dared to follow up on this. It was and is the same old story, the Swedish newspaper is now officially an anti semitic monster, and I suppose any one, ever even mentioning this Israeli monstrosity, will be stamped as such.

Sexual Abuse : Christianity and its Churches have been guilty of many crimes throughout their history, in every stage of their developments, their conflicts were invariably solved with the eradication of the other, not to mention the millions that were systematically murdered under the so called Inquisition. Societies tend to forget painful events, that’s why they tend to be constantly surprised to hear of not quite new atrocities by the same perpetrators, over and over again.Throughout last year, we kept reading and hearing of perhaps one of the most cowardly acts anyone could possibly commit upon wards and entrusted children. Realistically speaking, one could consider priests and chaplains as people who do not find their way around in the real world and so decide to hide behind high walls and long capes. Behind these walls, they learn to play and manipulate peoples beliefs through carefully seeded guilts, not to mention the promotion of ever existent superstitions to get what they want, but in recent times it seems their hypocrisies and predatory actions are coming back to haunt them. Lets simply hope people learn what these institutions really represent.

Extremism: The man you see pictured here, is the Imam or Mufti of a holy site in “Mecca” in Saudi Arabia. This man like all so called clergymen, are mostly very conditional friends of peace and humanity. This man (whose name we purposly withhold like the ones above) propagates and preaches murder on a daily basis. His wish to kill (yes kill) all Iranians for being heretics, is just one little aspect of his charm. Hard to believe for those not familiar with this kind of mentality but this ridiculous ideologies can only be obtained in a “Wahabi” school of thought. Should you not know who they are, then the name of “Bin-Laden” should bring back the memory missing.One has to consider, when such an extremist, demands the blood of fellow Muslims, what could possibly be his wish for the rest of the World, should his aspirations be unleashed. Unleashed they are though in Pakistan and Afghanistan financed and sponsored by the state of Saudi Arabia, but yet again nobody in the West seems to have the slightest interest to even bring the subject up as long as anti-Iranianism is the outcome as a side effect. Damn their cheap Oil, for they could burn the World twice over and still be smiled at.