I hesitated a few days before deciding to believe what the report embedded underneath stated. Considering the constant barrage of false informations being thrown at us since 9/11, I showed the clip to some very unpolitical friends of mine. Without exception all were shocked at their own naivety and at the audacity with which some very established News Networks like the BBC, abused the trust of their viewers, placed their bets on the so called "viewer gullibility" spooling back and forth the supposed "murder" of a young woman on the streets of Tehran at the hands of the Iranian Police, hoping to generate rage that should result in further unrest and as they hoped more blood and fire.(The latter was to promote the known British foreign agenda against Iran)
There was and is, no doubt about the unnecessary excessive force used to quell the demonstrations even despite of a few hooligans who misused the event letting some social steam off, but having watched the clip from another perspective,(not allowing the shocking sight of her face to distract) one distinctly sees the little "whatever" she is holding in her left hand,she uses it to spritz red liquid on her own face and then moves the hand away.
The whole idea of Neda being in on this "Gig" is a complete game changer. We have to take into consideration,that if this report is authentic and unless one is completely blind to visible facts! authentic it is, then Neda did not die as claimed by the "Man" (Hejazi) in BBC as spooled back and forth in very poor Video quality, but was murdered by an insider who was also in on this "performance" to uphold a "lie" that went astray or out of control, maybe the whole gig simply functioned too good to be let to fall apart. Fact is, a young woman, is dead and I don't think she was in on this very significant part of the plan.
Whatever the case, I embed the clip for you to make your own minds. The clip was brought to my attention by the apparently alert minded "Anonymous" readership who left me a commentary on my Jan. 1 article called "Modus Operandi".
I am not blind & can see the goof of the year gig on the tape. If you don't see it, then you are biased.
The Anti Riot police in Tehran is responsible for much violence, but Nedas death was NOT their doing.
The true murderes of Neda, have to be brought to justice, I am sure they are to be found ín the UK. Otherwise they shall kill more Nedas to cause havoc.
Think hard and you will realize, by blindly accepting such murders for political reasons, despite of knowing better...
The next Neda could be you or me.
Be vigilant and above all, be fair.
and on this Neda story I could not agree with you more.
thank you for the slap in the face. woke me up.
However heartbreaking, but still a big fat lie.
Good article and keep it up