Shia/Sunni simplified !

Let us, for the last time discuss the issue of the Shia/Sunni branches of Islam (since friends and foes constantly ask me about It.) what the differences are, and how could they be told apart in every day life. In fact, any descent and pious Moslem would not give a toss about whom and what branch of Islam one follows, furthermore the same group do not give a toss over whether one is Christian, Jewish or a Moslem, as long as they believe in the oneness of God . However, politics of any era always left its marks, shades and traces on all religions. Islam was no exception.
It has been almost 1400 years since the emergence of Islam as a religion, and as soon as “Mohammad” passed away, the question of his successor became the cornerstone of this division. As “Ali” the prophet’s cousin (a candidate) was busy with the burial, some older, richer and more influential members of “Mohammad’s insider circle chose one of theirs instead.
Shia means (Party of Ali) and Sunni means (Traditionalists). The Shia believes “Mohammad” appointed Ali as Successor and this issue was ignored. The Sunni believes, successors must be chosen… “Ali” however, became the fourth successor before he was assassinated.
Technically, they (Shia & Sunni) are both the same in believing and practicing the articles of faith, except the above-mentioned issue and the fact that as of “Ali”, those who were considered from the Party of Ali kept their allegiance towards his family, other words the Prophets family, instead of swearing loyalty towards the caliphate. Two minor differences between them that manifests, partial optical differences are A/: The Shia celebrates birthdays and mourns deaths of Saints, visits their graves and prays for divine intercession (very much like the Catholics) Sunnis consider it heresy even nursing a grave B/: when they (Shia) pray (the 5 times thing), they let their hands hang on their sides, unlike the Sunni that almost fold their arms or hold them together.
An important development worth mentioning, as Persia (Iran) was conquered by the Arabs, a very young Persian King “Yazdgerd” was killed and the royal household fell into the hands of the Arabs and subsequently sold as slaves. One of the slaves was “Shahr-banoo” the sister of Yazdgerd, the last fallen King of the Sassanid dynasty. Ali still not chosen as successor bought this beautiful girl and had her marry his son “Hussain” the future third Shia Imam, the fruit of this marriage was a son, that became the fourth Shia Imam, meaning as of the fourth Shia Imam (there were 12 Imams altogether), Persian royal blood was mixed with that of the Prophet Mohammad. Perhaps one very convincing factor for the very nationalistic Persians (Iranians) to be converted to Islam favouring Shia.
The Shia ideological guidelines are the teachings of the Prophet and 12 infallible Imams (like the Pope) whilst the Sunnis Guidelines are that of the Prophet and different storylines from their scholars. There are much more to be said, like the creation of Bahaism from the Shia branch of Islam or the creation of Wahabism from the Sunni branch, but I refuse to go any further, because as always, religious discussions are endless and get to nowhere, best advice simply believe in God.
The much propagated violence between them (Shia/Sunni), are mostly instigated by third parties, spilling the first blood and blaming the other, initiating revenge sprees, are always outsiders who follow the divide and rule phenomenon. The best-known perpetrator for this tactic are the British, some of their best-known cases are the Indian disintegration and the subsequent wars and genocide between Hindus and Moslems as soon as the British were shown the door.. The second famous case is the Ireland case where a unity amongst the Irish would have jeopardised the British influence, thus Catholics and Protestants have since been killing each other, so division was achieved and UK still rules, at least the northern part. The third known case is the present Iraq, where one people having lived together for centuries suddenly start killing each other. The objective is always the same “Divide & Rule”. It is sickening I know, but true to the bone.
but what difference does it make, gren is green. important is being educated like the Iranians.