Treaty of Lisbon

The "Treaty of Lisbon" is the last of a series of a so called completive treaties that is supposed to simplify and eventually decrease the burden of bureaucracy already congesting the European political apparatus. As a reminder, it started in 1948 in Brussels, then further treaties and agreements in 1953,1958,1967,1987 and 1993 of Maastricht, 1999 of Amsterdam, 2003 of Nice were to be completed with the now 2009 of Lisbon.
Some of the important features of the Lisbon treaty are :
a/The President of the European council will be chosen for a period of 30 Months (instead of 6 months)....b/ the position of Foreign representative (minister) will be combined with that of the foreign commissioner (meaning less bureaucracy)....c/The charter of human rights will be binding (best part of it all)....d/ as of now, any petition or proposal signed with more than one million people, has to be considered...e/ All national parliaments get 8 weeks to object to any law passed by the EU...f/ As of 2014, instated of having 27 commissioner's (one per member state), there will be 18, but rotating amongst the member states( which will mean faster actions)...g/ Reducing the number of MPs in the European parliament and increasing its power simultaneously...h/ Expansion of influence in areas such as health, energy, space and to a large extend education...i/ simplifying the passing of different laws and legislations, by reducing the necessary votes from over 70% to 55% or the votes of countries representing about 65% of the European population as of 2014..j/the until now required unanimity (necessity for all to agree) will give way to a simple majority...k/The new treaty will also extend the powers of the Union in drawing a general defense doctrine and etc etc....
Those of us living in the European Union, ought to realize that about 70% of our daily routines have been regulated in Brussels and only about 30% by the national or local Parliament/Government, and as of 2014 this equation will change to a 80% to 20%. Judging from history, one can imagine what the next treaty will be all about, since the tax regulations are mostly regional and a sovereign matter of the states, most corporate establishments will then move to areas and states with easier tax regulations as a result of which the more populous states, inevitably press for some sort of a new treaty forcing a coordination on the Tax system. Whatever the case, this treaty was a positive one for Europe and its residents,lets only hope the political unity that this treaty is to initiate, proves to be emancipated and balanced and not some Pax Americana. After all, the future is Europe and China, and not the USA and Russia anymore.