Naomi Wolf

Naomi Wolf, was born in 1962 into a Jewish family, and did her BA in English literature at the Yale University , she is known as an awkward "third-wave feminist" author. Understandably she is not everyones darling, but her theories regarding the deterioration of the US democratic institutions, which was reflected in her 2007 published book "The end of America" struck a cord. In this very interesting book, which I personally recommend all Americans to read, she warns of historical parallels,comparing some well established and documented historical Dictatorships that aroused from well established democracies, by following a so called "Blue Print" of a list of 10 steps.
The 10 steps are;
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
2. Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
3. Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.
4. Set up an internal surveillance system.
5. Harass citizens' groups.
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release.
7. Target key individuals.
8. Control the press.
9. Treat all political dissents to be traitors.
10. Suspend the rule of law.
She explains in detail every step, and outlines all the US parallels,which I have to admit, was well researched and eloquently presented. Her latest work is called "Give me liberty" and can be considered as a sequel to the "The end of America" and explains and describes how at different stages in the past individuals and groups "successfully" fought back the establishment of a fascistic America.
I have embedded a speech by Naomi Wolf, explaining the book in her own words.