Faces of Evil

From Top left...
1- George W. Bush, was an ex drug and alcohol addict,who became the US president from 2001-2009, due to his utter lack of intelligence, he missed the chance to greatness and decided to go on a revenge spree for the 9/11 attacks, despite knowing the names and whereabouts of those responsible. Thus bearing responsibility for at least 1 Million deaths so far and rising. He is alive and waiting to face his creator.
2-Ariel Sharon, was an Israeli Prime minister and after losing one of his testicles and half his penis in a battle in the 1950s against a Jordanian unit, he became obsessed with killing "Arabs", He never let an opportunity out to start wars and kill off a peace initiative. His official biographies are mostly edited to his benefit, but that does not change what he was. He went into a Coma in 2006 and awaits his death.
3-Saddam Hussein,was an Iraqi dictator, and his complex riddled Arab nationalism caused him to commit many war crimes, the west delivered him weapons of mass destruction to threaten Iran into backing off from pursuing the IRAN-IRAQ war (1980-1988), but he not only used them against Iran but used them against his own people. He was hanged in 2006.
4-Augusto Pinochet, was a Chilean dictator, and was supported,financed and shepherded by the CIA into power after killing the democratically elected President of Chile,during his rule, dozens of thousands of people were killed, imprisoned, raped and tortured. Because he stood on the US side of the political equation, he never had to pay for his crimes, he died in 2006.
5-Pol Pot, was the Cambodian "Khmer Rouge" (Red Khmer,Khmer is a language)leader and his ingenious political leadership, killed almost 2.5 million of his own countrymen,which at that time (1970's) was over 20% of the Cambodian nation, He never paid for his crimes and died in 1998.
6-Joseph Stalin,was the Soviet General Secreter and his iron fist rule on the USSR caused the death of many millions of his own countrymen. He was truly feared, and his death in 1953 was a big relief. His luck was that, he happened to stand on the winner side in WWII, and that covered much of the trail of blood for far too long.
7-Adolf Hitler,can be considered the superstar of all evil, his genocide on the Jews still echoes to this date not to mention the war, in which almost 60 million from many nationalities fell victim to. He reportedly shot himself in the head as he was cornered and committed suicide in 1945.
8-Benito Mussolini,can be considered a typical Italian,his nostalgic sense of nationalism and his efforts to do it his way through Fascism, spilled a lot of innocent blood on two continents. He was lynched by his own countrymen in 1945.
Don't you think you have missed some contemporary Iranian ones? And the most important question is; where they are standing in the history?
They don't have much time!
all the best
Fardin Nikjoo