From Within

I would like to move away from the events blinding my general objectivity, and not concentrate on what the systematic bombardment of information wants me to believe,like stepping a few steps aback to consider the whole picture and not just the segment with the spotlight. The refreshing phenomenon of being able to avoid having to take sides over a political issue, is only known in the least populated areas of Scandinavian countries, but one learns to establish this mental situation everywhere, simply by avoiding daily news coverage of the established international news agencies, which quite honestly, all tastes and sounds identical, as if the whole food(news) has been cooked by the same chef, but served by different waiters and waitresses.
Furthermore, one has to move on and not stand idle, one should look for historical similarities considering recent historical developments, of which one is genuinely convinced of its authenticity. With regard to Iran and its recent developments, I found astonishing historical parallels with the French and the American revolutions.
The 30 years of the Islamic revolution in Iran has brought up a totally new generation of Iranians, that do not consider foreign based Iranian contra-revolutionaries as a legitimate opposition, and they do not identify themselves with them (but unfortunately, due to inaccessibility, or simply lack of any long term interest, relevant foreign powers always bet their money on the wrong horses for understanding or eventual predictability of Iran's political future)which is why, once again key features of the latest developments in Iran was misunderstood and misinterpreted by the West.
The recent developments in Iran can be defined as an event that has happened often enough in history, which is the birth of a legitimate and robust opposition from within the Iranian political establishment, one can name it as one wishes, but should Iran keep its track, then within the next few years, a bipolar political system shall give the very sensitive Iranian Democratic struggle a new dimension, and who knows, may be a few years after that yet another faction could emerge to become the king makers of either pole. What I just described is no wishful thinking, but is history repeating itself as was the case in the French revolution and subsequently the American revolution. The bipolar US political scenery is proof of the possibility that could be awaiting Iran.
It is as we all know, a very sensitive time for Iran, not because of the silly and immature analysis of established news agencies (who rely on foreign based out of touch Iranian ex patriots) but because, Iranians inside have reached a stage in their revolution that requires them to form factions with different approaches, and above all a stage that requires them to exercise tolerance towards each other, should this eminent and important virtue be mastered, then sky could be the limit in social and political developments of Iran as a nation.
The ever hinging question, regarding Irans, social and political progress is always the same, are they (Iran) going to be able to keep off their enemies to make the space needed to give birth to this democratic development? A journey that started in 1911 and has been torpedoed constantly ever since, first by the Russians and then by the British and lastly by the USA...... Lets just wish for the best, and hope that Iranians reach their goal, with no further bloodshed and no foreign sponsored terrorism to once again derail the events.