Quid pro quo

The simplified definition of "quid pro quo" is "something for something",
to define it even more , it would be best to set an example, the best example that strikes into mind is what happened in the last couple of years regarding the Mohammad caricature incident and the subsequent ridiculing of the Holocaust. In case we should have forgotten the reason the Holocaust suddenly became an issue between Iran and the west, then I would like to remind you of the Mohammad caricature in the western media, in which the western governments coordinately and vehemently defended this ridiculing of a prophet admired and revered by hundreds of millions, in caricatures depicting terrorists and Ali-Baba lookalikes , as freedom of expression and bedeviling the orient for its intolerance.
As expected, Iranians did not make much of a fuss except for a few noisy demonstrations but, the Iranian government, made as expected the most effective move, just as the "Salman Rushdi" novel of "Satanic Verses" came out and the usual apathy of Iranians, the political leadership came up with a fatwa that changed the rules of engagement, this time around, the Iranian government used the freedom of expression charge by the west and declared a caricature competition about the Holocaust. This declaration was enough to show the west, the limits of their so propagated freedom of expression and taught us all a lesson to respect the others as we expect them to respect us and our beliefs.
This lesson was adherently accepted by the west, but with a grudge towards Iran, and consequently a campaign of defamation towards Iranians started, in which the Iranians are considered Holocaust deniers. As a matter of fact, the Holocaust is an issue the Iranians don't give a toss about, because they don't even know what it is all about, and by no means any business of Iran to start with, but this defamation was enough to compromise the Iranian reputation in the eyes of the uninformed western taxpayers and voters, not realizing it all to be a diversion of attention towards the real problems in the western societies, like the economy that is falling apart or the wars in the middle east which is slowly becoming a nuisance . I would not be surprised if again this defamatory campaign against Iran, turns and starts to haunt the west and its politicians. (Discrediting every opposition with accusations of antisemitism, has happened before...).
For the real Holocaust deniers, whoever they are, I would want to add, when the perpetrator (Germany) acknowledges and insists they have done it and are guilty of the Holocaust and give 6 million as the number of murdered souls...... and the victims (Jews), insist that to be correct , then stop this unnecessary allegations and claims. The world has more important problems to solve.