
Once again, we read and hear about a supposed secret war that Israel is pursuing against Iran, in which Iran's human resources as it is humanly called are the target. Lets just forget for a moment, had Iran been after Israels so called human resources to sabotage some industry or achieve some other political leverage as Israel supposedly is doing, it would have been called terrorism.... nevertheless, The "Daily Telegraph" a British newspaper, brought this up and threw this so called information into the open. They have identified a man called "Ardeshir Hassanpour" who died in 2007 (which was no secret in the first place, he was a Prof. at Shiraz University) as proof and now hopes to kick start a psychological warfare against Irans scientific establishment.
The fact that this very newspaper"Daily Telegraph" refused to cover the magnitude of the Gaza offensive, reveals their explicit political affiliation and they are known to be close to the foreign ministry of the isle of Britain. Consequently, it should be obvious that this is again some kind of preparation campaign. Israel, Britain and the USA have a plan, and this disinformation campaign is the first phase. I think and I believe the intentions are to actually identify certain key figures in the Iranian nuclear machinery. They(Western Trio) hope that as a result of this campaign the Iranians will start to take cover and take their so called key figures into safe houses, so they(Western Trio) hope to get to know who and how many they are.
Another fact is, the Iranians that enrolled into the Russian Universities(in the old days) , did not enroll with their names, they all had new identities issued for them by the Iranians and even the Russians don't know the true identities of these nuclear scientists that left Russia more that a decade ago and in the meantime have spread their knowledge inconspicuously and relentlessly. The names the Russians gave the Israelis were all the right names, but they were false identities and thus their search to assassinate them was of no avail . That, in my opinion is the main reason this disinformation campaign has started, so as to allow the western intelligence communities to get a trace through Irans panic reaction.
Iran learned through what happened to the Egyptians and Iraqi scientists (all assassinated by Israel) what preventative measures had to be taken years in advance, and I personally can not believe Iran to fall for it.