
Obamas extended hand, shall receive a hand to shake, but as Iran and the US sit down at the table, they shall soon realize, there is no trust, no apologies and no actual will to solve any of their outstanding issues, after 30 years of deliberate animosity. The USA needs an enemy to justify their military expenditure and presence in sensitive areas (like the Mid East) to safeguard "their" oil that God had mistakenly misplaced. Iran on the other hand needs the US as the devil to justify their iron fist on the society.
But should my assumption be wrong and Iran and the US are genuinely seeking a reconciliation ! then certain issues have to be accounted for by the US, and the reasons for the justifiable mistrust in the Iranian political machinery.
1- The destruction of Iran's democracy in 1953, through a coup and reinstalling the Shah, that left very deep scars by the Iranians, whose independent minded souls will never forget nor forgive.
2- Iran/Iraq war, the unbelievably aggressive support of US and UK through supply, training and tolerance of Saddam Hussein's employment of chemical weapons, (simply unforgivable).
3-Iran Air Flight 655, the downing of a passenger plane and killing of almost 300 people in 1988, then declaring it a mistake, yet decorating the Captain of the US warship "Vincennes" Capt. W. Rogers III. (simply insulting).
The US on the other hand has its grievances too, the hostage crisis of the 80's. Iran's support for anti-American policies of different political movements ( some peoples terrorists are other peoples freedom fighters), and lastly the nuclear issue of which I personally doubt it to be of any real issue, but still something that caused a lot of dust and the Media seems to love it. It is in my opinion only a leverage, nothing more, had it not been the nuclear issue, it would have been the human rights or womens rights or antisemitism or territorial or, some other shoot me dead issue, what is essential here, is there has to be an issue.
The core of Iran's problems with the USA is "Israel" and unless they (Israel) don't stop fighting their neighbors to which Iran has build a strategic alliance with (also some kind of leverage) then I really can't imagine the Israelis who enjoy a powerful lobby in the US, will ever allow any rapprochements between Iran and the USA.
We have now established some of the problems existing or at least what the press reflects, and should the two sides start talking then we shall have very powerful interest groups on both sides trying to torpedo the talks to prolong this unnecessary estrangement. One side has to completely back down, and I simply can not see that happening.(and I am an optimist by nature)