30 years on...

Its been thirty years, since the bitter cold January morning, where the last Shah of Iran left Tehran with his wife never to return, and its been thirty years since Khomeini's return. We don't want to go into details of the whys or the causes of this revolution, because the answer to a typical why always depends on whom you ask, all answers would be irrational and politically oriented. Fact is Iran had a problem, a massive social problem unnoticed by the social elite of the time living in and around Tehran, a country of then 36 Million (now 75 million) scattered in a country as big as Western Europe (Germany/France/Spain and the Benelux countries combined) has never been easy to influence similarly, as Teheran's youth of the newly formed Middle Class was enjoying the unadulterated fruits of western nightlife, the Majority of Iran's youth unable to afford the same flashy privileges was finding comfort elsewhere, some in Marxist teachings and some in religious teachings. Whatever the case, history, showed us who won the battle and for the last 30 years, Iran has been through almost every social and political turbulence a revolution requires.
Iran's "Robespierre" was called "Khalkhali" and he made sure there would be no bridge behind to regret.
Iraq's ridiculous attempt to invade Iran, resulted in Iran's social and to a large extend political unity and thus accelerated the Islamic identity of the revolution and stamping out of any Marxism or any Soviet allegiances whatsoever.
Iranian dissidents of the first generation ( roughly half a million scattered across the world), started cursing and calling each other names ever since, their children and the rest of the Iranian immigrants to the west, meanwhile a couple of Millions have been taking up this habit of blame shooting very diligently. In the meantime Iran's Islamic Republic has catapulted itself into a position of strategic relevance.
Iran's first social attempt at reforms in 1997, was manipulated and stopped by a stupid American President called "Bush" his threat of war (at the behest of Israel ) despite of Iran's help in Afghanistan was beyond comprehension, but all this was enough for Iran to start digging in its heels.
Iran's nuclear aspirations seems to be reaching the point of no return. (after all who does'nt want to generate 50,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity with 1 kilogram of Uranium).
Iran has problems that needs solutions, prisons and executions are no help,(a big problem ofIran in my opinion) but show me a country where injustice has been uprooted overnight.
I, for my part , only hope there is never a war imposed on Iran again. Right or wrong, this revolution changed Iran and Iranians, only true Iranians can see beyond their religious and political picket fences and affiliations. Iran is more than a political system or a religious collective mark. Iranians have to stand by their country regardless of their political views, history shall judge them by it and history shall never forgive our generation should we not stand by Iran, when it is being threatened by superpowers or dwarfs (Israel) alike.
reform is always needed no matter which country you come from
Iran is in need of clever help to bypass these unfair sanctions
I agree Iranians and non Iranians should help and stand by Iran.
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