Mother Shipton

Once upon a time , there was a woman in England born around 1488-89 and lived to be around 70 (quite an achievement in those days). Her name was "Ursula Southeil" and she was known to have been a witch, in our day and age of pop culture and Harry Potter, being called a witch is considered a term of endearment, but in her time it was dangerous, furthermore her optic was known to have been hideously unattractive (not proven) which resulted very much in her having had the classical reputation of a witch. Our point of interest in her is more than her life and times, her prophecies made that woman a phenomenon long after she had died. Her writings were discovered some generations later, her predictions up until the mid 20th century proved to be correct, that amongst others makes her prophecies as of now, even more attractive. The following is not necessarily in chronological order but rather an excerpt of which, encourages us in giving her the benefit of the doubt, judge for yours...