Hypothetical chain of events

What is written here, could actually happen in the near future,,, so lets be a bit open to speculations. What if The Israeli Govt. starts to make unequivocal advances towards its three main adversaries, Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria,, making promises and suggesting dialogs for the return of their Land and hoping to tie them down to endless rounds of meetings with setbacks and progress (one step ahead and two steps back) as they have done with the PLO for the last decade or so. Iran shall have its proxies tied up and neutralized for at least a certain period of time..... in which a surgical attack takes place and certain areas are Bombed by US forces , furthermore USA occupies the three Persian Gulf Islands claimed unlawfully by the UAE. Sets up massive military bases there and thus lets the Iraqi Govt. off the hook for its 50 military bases in their country. . Iran's objections and retaliation plans already compromised by the loss of its allies in the Arab world or at least until tho...