Remembering Lumumba

Patrice Lumumba was savagely murdered over 45 years ago, his body mutilated and dissolved in acid, by the order of the US President Eisenhower and approval of the Belgian Govt.
Lumumba was the Prime minister of what today the DR Congo is, he brought his country independence from Belgian colonial rule and on its anniversary made a very famous speech in which he signed his own death warrant, which by now according to documents, we all know it was President Eisenhower that issued the order. Lumumba said, as long as other countries respect the 100% and real independence of Congo, we shall deal with them regardless of it being the USA or the Soviet Union. In those days wanting to deal with the Soviet Union was an unforgiving taboo, The Iranians can sing a lead or two about their stories with their Prime Minister in the 1950's.
Congo is one of the richest countries in the world and they have 70% of a certain raw material that is vital to the communication and Computer industry, although its people are at the verge of starvation. The CIA with the Help of the Belgian so called parliamentary democracy destroyed the Democratic processes of this African county and helped an army dude called Mobutu into power, who plundered , murdered and ruled this country for something like 3 decades, and even changed the name of Congo into Zaire.
By the way, in order to realize the magnitude of this crime against humanity, you must know that it was the United Nation,, yes the UN that delivered Lumumba to his enemies at the airport where he was arrested. This amongst other sensitive issues is one reason the name of this poor bugger has been practically deleted from the history books of the 20th century, If you doubt me, then I remind you of the UN soldiers in Srebrenica who delivered a few thousand Bosnian Moslems to the Serbs (all massacred)....the UN simply apologized. Lumumbo was a similar story.
The unending civil wars and injustice in the DR Congo, is, was and shall be because they are simply rich in vital resources.( Doesn't it all sound familiar??)
History is a prologue, said a wise guy once, one should know........and I say never forget.