Remembering Amir Kabir

Amir Kabir was born in 1807, his real name was Taghi AmirNezam, was the son of a Cook that worked for Prime Minister Farahani a Minister in the Kajar dynasty , as a consequence of which, he learned a lot of how to deal and weal in the political arena of those days, where the British were enjoying a superpower status and the Russians were trying to catch up.... and Iran was somewhere in between being mercilessly squeezed out of its potential.
At some point he reached Diplomatic status where he was dispatched to resolve long standing border issues with the Ottoman Empire with success. There are many stories about him, which some are true and some are not. True is that he was very Anti-British and later in life when he became the Iranian Prime Minister, he tried to play the British and the Russians out against each other. He did open a few Modern Schools, but lost Herat (Afghan City) to the British colonial rulers of Afghanistan, where they needed a safe haven before the Iranian Borders in case the Russians marched in.
He moved against the BAHAI faith, what he considered a British generated initiative to divide the Shia as he was convinced that Wahabism was a British generated cult to divide the Sunnis.
Whatever the case the British revenge on all his policies was through his Mother in law, who happened to be the Mother of the Shah too, She ( Shah's Mother) was as illiterate as an Alabama Bushman, and was told that Amir Kabir was after the throne and bla bla bla,,, this resulted in the awakening of her mother instincts to protect her teenage son. After intoxicating her son(The Shah) in one of those insider parties, she had him sign Amir Kabirs death sentence.
Which she made sure was carried out in the same night, before the Young King annulled it. There are surely much more details about him in history... but we quit it here and hope to have risen your appetite to know more of him
Amir Kabir was murdered in the City of Kashan in a public Bath in 1852, He was 45 years old.