Irans Nuclear odyssey

This Blogger believes, Iran and as a whole any country has the right to the knowledge of creating Nuclear fuel, why explicitly Iran... ??? well I tell you.
Iran has the mines
Iran is extracting (on their own)
Iran is converting ( Uranium ore is milled and purified into a powder called yellow cake)
Iran is producing uranium hexafluoride (by heating the yellow cake up to 64°)
Iran produces Gas Centifuges called IR2(it is a cylindrical chamber, in which uranium hexafluoride gas is spun at high speed This causes the slightly denser isotope u-238 to separate from the lighter u-235)
The enriched u-235 is then fed into another centrifuge. The process is repeated many times through a chain of centrifuges known as a cascade.
Iran can enrich its u235 up to 3-4% for its power plants or enrich with the above mentioned process further and eventually have enough uranium to produce a Bomb.
Iran Promised not to do so (by signing the additional protocol)still not ratified.
So far so good....but
"Iran wants to close the cycle of fuel"
(and That is the problem !!! because A typical nuclear reactor uses enriched uranium in the form of fuel "pellets", each roughly the size of a coin and about 2 centimeter long. The pellets are formed into long rods known as bundles, and housed inside a heavily insulated, pressurised chamber)
Iran has a nuclear plant and these "Rods"
will have to be reprocessed one day.
(Used fuel rods have their metallic outer casing stripped away before being dissolved in hot nitric acid. This produces uranium (96%), which is reused in reactors, highly radioactive waste (3%) and plutonium (1%))
All nuclear reactors produce plutonium
A reprocessing plant and a reactor to produce sufficient plutonium could be housed in a ordinary looking building.
Conclusion :
Iran can promise what they want ...but they are going to have "plutonium" anyway
and a plutonium Bomb is more destructive than a Uranium Bomb.
That is why they(the West) doesnt want Iran to produce their own Rods for their power plants.Thats what its all about.
Now make your own thoughts, who do u trust more Iran with the capacity to make fuel ?? a country that has not started a war for over 1000 years.. or their adversaries a la Israel / Bush & Cheeney/
AI PAC who keep claiming Iran to be a threat... Israel that has been founded on war and has had more wars in its 50-60 years of existence than all country s combined in the last 5 centuries....