The Crusade

The crusades started taking shape due to the lose of a certain Christian emperor called Alexois to Muslim advances in different battles. He(Alexois) tried to get support form the church and started to make it all look like an attempt by the Moslem's to destroy the Catholic church . Thus Pope Urban II started to fall for it and in around 1095 AD the preaching was out.
First Crusade 1095-1099 AD (Fall of Jerusalem to the Christians)
Second Crusade 1147-1149 AD (Fall of Edessa to the Moslems and Lisbon to the Christians)
Third Crusade 1187-1192 AD ( Fall of Jerusalem to the Moslems through Saladin)
Forth Crusade 1202-1204 AD ( Failed attempt to recapture Jerusalem through Egypt )
Fifth Crusade 1217-1221 AD (Failed attempt to recapture Jerusalem and heavy losses )
Sixth Crusade 1228-1229 AD (Through diplomacy Emperor Frederik II secured the administrative management of Jerusalem by the Christians, after failing militarily)
Seventh Crusade 1248-1254 AD (Failing to militarily bring the holy land under control)
Eight Crusade 1270-1270 AD (Failing to to start a war)
Ninth Crusade 1271-1272 AD (Failing to achieve anything Edward I retreated back)
At the end of the day, the holy land stayed under Moslem Control until the Ottoman Empire lost it to the allies of the First world war in 1918, and it was then given to the Jewish Semites, who actually fought alongside the Moslems for Jerusalem and were often massacred by the Christians. The Jews developed a political ideology (Zionism) and changed he whole definition of the holy land and called it a Jewish state.
Tenth Crusade 2003- ? ( Some Terrorist attacks on a new country called America initiated this new crusade, by 2008 two countries had fallen and a third "Iran" was being set up)