Bureaucratic absurdity ??

The Transportation Worker Identification Credential, which is issued in the USA by the Transportation security administration, is supposed to safeguard against Terror attacks.
It is needed to acquire jobs after your studies are over at the University or Academic institutes one has studied.
Lately almost 5000 applicants, who need these ID Cards in order to get Jobs as exotic as oceanography,,, students at the M.I.T. and elsewhere , were turned down by a certain John M Busch with these unbelievable sentence “I have determined that you pose a security threat.”
all those who have received this Blunt letters of rejection, are educated, intelligent and bright students who might have written a blog or taken part in some anti-Bush demo either to be in,, or score by some tutor, relying totally on the right to object and demonstrate their political views in a supposedly free society in the USA.
Almost every aspect of the American Civil system is being affected by this so called security paranoia .. starting with the fingerprinting and flight data to employment procedures, have been somehow militarized or at least semi-militarized.
The message ??? judging from such developments that evolves more and more in the western world is,,, that you might be free to express yourselves , but the system is free to make you pay for it on a long term.