The most powerful man in Iraq

Perhaps the most powerful man in Iraq today is not any Iraqi Govt. official,, nor any militia member and certainly not any US military or British military commander... it is a certain Iranian Brigadier General with the name of Qassem Soleimani.
He enters the Green Zone at will and organizes and orchestrates war and peace, conflict and calm, political rise or fall of peoples or organizations in Iraq. Needless to say that certain high ranking Iraqi officials have more than once claimed to have been asked by the US military commanders or diplomats to ask the General for different favors and actions in return for actions and favors. The latest Sadr Conflict was dampened because of his interference.
He is nothing more or less in direct comparison to some CIA or MI5 regional operative that like in India instigate religious divisions after the independence thrive by Gandhi or the sectarian strife created by the CIA in Lebanon to weaken any resistance to unite, above all the division of the Iraqis through religious lines in order to extend the chaos to legitimize their stay.
Soleimani is the Iranian operative trying to preoccupy and safeguard the Shia dominance in Iraq, which is not hostile towards Iran. He is I think already listed as a Terrorist by the US ...(as if the previous nominations have helped the US long term plan anyway)... but I suppose someday one side is going to have to blink first, and I think Iranians can not afford to blink first because it is simply their turf and the US has to leave at the end of the day.