Deutsche Bank and Iran

Ever since the US sponsored sanctions are being implemented by the US allies, one started to realize that nobody really followed up on them. The US Govt. then started pressurizing the private sector to hook certain preconditions on new deals when dealing with European financial entities like the Deutsche Bank. divestments is the unword of this latest AIPAC plan to compromise Iran's Nuclear aspirations.
As the US economy started to plunge in a recession, and all those divestments initiated by the Israeli interest groups in the US started to back fire on the economy, one realized what limits actually the US economy had. Thus now with this new initiative holding German banks at a ransom not to deal with Iran and the speculations that Deutsche Bank has been promised support should they decide to freeze Iranian assets and actually work with them and earn through them as the US has been doing with Billions of Iranian assets for decades. The Iranians across the spectrum private or non have started pulling out their cash and assets from the Deutsche Bank, and this week the shares and profits of this German bank has started to crash in on an unprecedented way.
The world of finances usually are very unpredictable in nature but sometimes one really has to stop and wonder,,, what is it that every entity that start to irate Iran starts to lose out, even the strongest of the strong can not seem to reach the point of harm without harming themselves.