6 Signs the U.S. May Be Headed for War in Iran

1. Fallon's resignation
2. Vice P. Cheney's peace trip
3. Israeli airstrike on Syria
4. Warships off Lebanon
5. Israeli comments (Israel will not unilaterally stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb)
6.Israel's war with Hezbollah
I don't think, the Iranians are sleeping I am sure they once in a while let slip a few military details, which the Media calls bluff, but the US military starts a reorientation ... this cat and mouse game continues until regime change in America The Israelis know, if during Bush's regime no war is started.... then under Obama.. there wont be one.
Unless, Mossad assassinates Obama,(as President) and blames it on Iran.
I mean, They have situated Sarkozy in France (a Jew in a Catholic country) everything is possible with Mossad.