Jesus Through Iranian Eyes

A new movie in Iran depicts the life of Jesus from an Islamic perspective.
"The Messiah" is the name of the Film, Filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh says "We are talking about the same beautiful man, the same beautiful prophet, the same divine person sent from heaven. In the Koran, it emphasizes maybe three main points: about the birth, about the fact that he was not the son of God, and then, that he was not crucified. The rest is [the same] Jesus ... the sermons, and the miracles, and the political situation."
According to what Islam says , Jesus, at the night of the last supper, ascends to heaven [without being crucified].
From What I heard the movie has 2 endings,,, one to please the West and the other to please the East...Nevertheless the Vatican has rewarded it, so The US Christian fundamentalists of New Hampshire and Ohio will have a hard time bedeviling Iran's intentions and making another caricature Crisis out of it .
Lets just hope it promotes dialogs amongst religious people and takes this weapon (Religion) away from the politicians.