Did you know...

Some interesting stuff...
Elephants are the only animals on Earth that can NOT jump.
Our Body's strongest muscle is our tongue.
A Pigs orgasm lasts 30 minutes.
Statistically, people are more afraid of Spiders than of dying.
All Polar Bears, are left handed.
Butterflies, taste with their feet.
A Cockroach, can live 9 days without its head,,, it only dies because it cannot eat.
Humans and Dolphins are the only animals, that have Sex for pleasure.
A ducks "quack" has no echo, nobody knows why.
It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
Mosquitoes have teeth.
Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark.
OK OK,,,Now some stuff, you really don't know;

In Ancient England, people could not have SEX without the consent from the King. When people wanted to have a child, they used to solicit permission from the monarchy,,,, in turn they became a plaque to hang on their doors,,, it read "Fornication under consent of the King" (F.U.C.K.)
Thats the origin of the word.
In the historic civil war,,, when troops used to returned and had "no" casualties.. they carried a sign in front of them for their commanders "O. Killed" meaning zero killed. later O.K. to cut it short. From there we have the expression OK,, meaning all is good.