Careful Iran!!!

One of the oldest economical tricks in the book, is to control the flow of capital... is to create the market, which was NOT there before. Making the country/ society/ Man/ to believe it is good for their interest to go a certain direction.
At the moment, with all the pressure on the Iranian financial establishment, they are reversing their dollar reserves into other currencies. GOLD is also an important factor here...Iran here has to be careful not to buy too much Gold from the West because as the demand raises.. the price rises.. (which is planned) and when the crisis is over the price of Gold shall fall and all the profit Iran has made in $-€ deal could be nullified .. because of the dramatic fall of the Price of Gold which is regulated in Washington. The 800$ per ounce could become 300 $, and the creation of certain shortages by the US, will initiate the selling off of these Capital by Iran.
The flow of capital will fly back to the US.... jump starts the US economy and Iran will be the loser.