Framing Iran !

Not even Rumsfeld and Cheney in their heydays could come up with such nonsense about Iran as Obamas election strategists came up with. Whatever the case, Iranians in diaspora specially those living and working in the USA should become very vigilant should they receive an offer too good to be true, the answer should be no thank you officer even if it comes from their business partners they‘ve known for years. These business partners could have been shepherded into it without knowledge as people are when pushed around in a black operation. All Iranians living abroad, even the few dozen that rejoice and applause this idiotic nonsense, should be fearful of this precedent, they could well be the next on the list.
Iran is being set up and this set up did not even have to be an elegant one (as in this case). Everybody in Europe, and without exception(to add to the flavor), knows this to be a scam from A to Z... but as always some have to believe, or at least claim to, due to party policies or because their interests (political or financial) are dependent on those claiming this masquerade..... so they simply pretend their shock and hope it goes away. On the contrary,it does not go away.... a lie such as this has to be pushed and pushed and those openly doubting it would risk being run over or sidelined, bullied and blackmailed into accepting the one and only objective of this theater. A new war.
The supposed actor of this so called “plot” is an alcoholic fornicator, whose greed for money and drugs brought him into a trap set up for him solely because of his national origin. An open Bank (money) transaction (impossible due to sanctions) is supposed to have financed a terrorist act and etc etc….. every single word is a lie and made up to claim and pretend the US to be successful in fighting terror. (they usually frame someone inside their borders or in one of their satellite states, then make a tam tam).
For all world to understand, Iranians do NOT have the same methods as the USA and Israel, whose constant assassinations of Iranian scientists seem to have been conveniently pushed out of their news outlets……. simply because the corporates that own the medias also finance and own the campaigns of many Senators and Presidents. Furthermore, the abduction of citizens of different nationalities from third countries some of whom never turn up should not be forgotten….. Do not allow some political criminals think and decide for you again, your last inaction regarding a political “Lie” (Iraq’s WMD) brought you the Iraq war and now “Karma” is taking away your money and your homes from you !.………..
Iranians do NOT assassinate……Iranians have a different modus operandi…. If you must know, Iranians merely cut the horns of their enemies and send them into their gardens to graze…. for some to admire and others to deter. Why on earth do you think Iran has constantly been growing and politically expanding despite of a massive and unparalleled western animosity, because Iran always leaves a bridge behind for its enemies …. Something the US never considers and always makes itself new enemies along the way with its irresponsible accusations, policies, assassinations and wars.
Personally I do not think the Americans know enough about Iran to be able to differentiate between right and wrongs they get to hear about it. The informations they receive are 100% disinformation and they are there to create and secure a war in the near future. Yet again Israel and their lobby in the USA, the AIPAC has been masterminding or rather stultifying the Americans to have the US boys and girls fight Israels fight. A friend once said “The relationship between Israel and US has evolved into a kind of toxic relationship where one side must constantly humiliate itself in order to prove 'that you really love me'. Nothing less than shame will suffice to demonstrate US devotion to Israel. Like all romances it isn't based on reality but a shared illusion that becomes more important than reality itself.”
There is a prayer tablet from Dariush the Great in Persepolis, it says: “ O Lord protect Iran from its enemies, from drought and from lies” it seems now Iran to be in need of protection more than ever, above all from “Lies” against it.