Top 10 Anti-Iranian Propaganda

Western News Outlets : Iran is aggressive and has threatened to attack Israel, its neighbours or the U.S. Fact : Iran has not launched an aggressive war in modern history (unlike the U.S. or Israel), and its leaders have a doctrine of "no first strike." This is true of Supreme religious leader Khamenei as well as of Revolutionary Guards. Western News Outlets : Iran is a militarized society bristling with dangerous weapons and a growing threat to world peace. Fact : Iran's military budget is a little over $6 billion annually. Sweden, Singapore and Greece all have larger military budgets. Moreover, Iran is a country of 70 million, so that its per capita spending on defense is tiny compared to these others, since they are much smaller countries with regard to population. Iran spends less per capita on its military than any other country in the Persian Gulf region with the exception of the United Arab Emirates. Western News outlets: Iran has threatened to attack Israel mili...