Sanction this.....

Today the USA bullied and maneuvered a few countries into voting for a new round of sanctions against Iran to supposedly curve Iran's nuclear “Bomb” ambitions, an ambition that has never been declared and constantly refused. Nevertheless as we have learned in the last 20 years, it is actually completely irrelevant what nations or countries want or declare, important is it has to be subordinated and in accordance with certain interest groups actually ruling and governing the USA and its special interests. Other words it’s a game of power policy, countries should only do and want what they are allowed to do and want.
There are a few countries that are vehemently refusing to bow and Iran is one of them. We all know what Iran has been doing and we all know the hypocrisies of the 3-4 western countries monopolizing certain industries and know-hows in wanting to pressure Iran into submission. The same 3-4 countries that gave Saddam Hussein of Iraq the poison gas to kill Iranians and thus delayed his defeat by almost 4 years and rose the cost on Iran's side by almost 100,000 brave and unique souls that perished. The US, USSR, UK and France were directly responsible for those deaths and Iran should never doubt nor forget these countries hypocritical dishonesty in dealing with it.
The so called smart sanctions are nothing, and will have no effect, it has been designed to make sure smaller companies and countries wont enter certain industries in Iran as long as these 4 are not involved themselves. Iran seems to know this and beyond that,the USA also intended to shut the very strong pro Israeli interest groups a la AIPAC up, since we all know them to be powerful and influential enough perhaps not to buy all but at least rent quite a few members of the US congress in initiating embargoes and sanctions of which they themselves understand too little of. AIPAC could be very irritating if not dangerous, since it is general knowledge, AIPAC has all the infos about the famous skeletons in the closets and all the little affairs these corrupt puritans have with each others spouses .In fact if directly asked, non of the congressmen and women and to a large extend US senators could not even point on Iran on a map if their lives depended on it.
To sum up, Iran has been under sanctions for over 30 years, and we all remember the very difficult times of the 8 years war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq, where Iran was put under excruciating arms embargo and Saddam Hussein was delivered all the state of the art weaponry to fight and kill Iran and Iranians. They were and are the same countries then as they are now, the names and people are different but the objectives were the same for them as was and is for Iran now. Iran's lone struggle with all the obstacles in the 80’s brought them (Iran) success in their war against Saddam and his allies and resulted in a de facto quantum leap in military and scientific achievements. Iran's present advantage is that the world public opinions are in their favor, which guarantees them discrete help to secure Iran going around the imposed sanctions. Iran knows this and is prepared as they were prepared the countless times before. Iran is big enough and clever enough as historically proven to withstand and outlive all super powers of their long history, and on this issue, what Iran is concerned, there is no exception to the rule.
Thank you