33 Million homeless !

There are about 200 million homeless people worldwide, and one might not be willing to believe the following words, but just over 33 million of these homeless people are US citizens other words, they live in the United states of America. Should there be any other statistics published in the past or present claiming otherwise, then it is a constantly repeated “disinformation” aimed at pacifying the already stultified majority in the USA, whose general attitudes varies on a daily basis depending what sitcom or news outlets they have been watching. The main reason for getting away with this “disinformation” with the other part (minority) is their ever changing definition of what a homeless person is.
Their favorite definition of a homeless person is "an unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more, or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years.”, which is not what we consider as a homeless person, but rather the more accurate definition is “an individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime place of abode” .The most common causes of homelessness are; 1-Substance abuse (drugs) 2- Mental disorder 3- Lack of employment opportunity 4- Poverty (due to unemployment) 5- No affordable health care 6- War . The 33 Million homeless people in the US are unevenly spread across 50 states and 1 district, meaning that in the state of California, we might find 1.5 million homeless but 28,000 in some other less populated state. Nevertheless, it all adds up to this monstrous number of 33 million. This Numbers were discovered before the recession of 2006 and in the meantime more families with children are becoming homeless as they face mounting economic pressures, including mortgage foreclosures.
Despite of all the word games and disinformations, the US economy is getting pretty “crappy” since the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and this fact can not be misinformed. The wars have eaten up the US national wealth which Clinton had managed to secure. Undoubtedly, it will take a generation or two of peace and hard work to make it right again.However, some US interest groups such as “AIPAC” have been lobbying for Billions annually as unconditional help to Israel , (not included is the military aid) but these billions are usually borrowed from foreigners (China, Persian Gulf states) on high interest rates to support an aging community (Israel) whose economy is based on citrus and confiscation of Arab aid money to the Palestinians,next to constant legal claims on whoever talked to the Germans during the 30’s and 40’s. Whatever the case, these 33 million homeless Americans need not be homeless, all they need to do is to raise their voices and demand a stop to these welfare payments to Israel. Here are some photos to give you an idea how homelessness in America looks like...
