
The three above mentioned terms could easily be considered the “Misnomers” of 2009/2010, unfortunately not all of them have received equal attention in the press which will become perfectly comprehensible if we look at the perpetrators….. now a few words to each term. Organ Harvesting: A Swedish newspaper broke the news, and finally after much careful research and undercover investigations,(well aware of the usual systematic consequences) they confirmed what so many Palestinians have been claiming for decades. The Israelis have been arresting (randomly at times) Palestinian youths, and after having kept them in their prisons for a while releases them, then tracks them down and kill them removing their Organs and sending it to a syndicate in New York. All of what they did with these “harvested organs” was uncovered by the FBI last year. The Rabbies that were arrested for dealing with these organs naturally refused to acknowledge where the organs were coming from. My point of intere...