Operation H1N1

Every year, over 2 Million people die of Malaria, something that could be avoided by a simple mosquito-net. Every year, another 2 Million people (mainly children) die of diarrhea, something that could be avoided by a simple saline solution that costs less than a dollar. There are more common diseases, like "Measles" or "Pneumonia", that without any exaggeration, kills over 10 Million people worldwide every single year, yet the western media establishments, above all the Rupert Murdoch club refuses to even report it. One looks at the self-righteous attitudes of these modern serial journalists, without the slightest sign of intellectual individualism, not to mention the ridiculous cowardice in which they report an event, manipulating it to make sure it complies the outlets political visions, lacking the courage necessary in even writing down the shocking facts of our times, that might have led us to the truth!? No wonder, a limited influential individuals, can make such a wave, either for or against someone or something, in this case a Virus.
Going back a few years, we remember the "Bird Flue" phenomenon that appeared to threaten humanity, suddenly all established western news outlets, collectively and harmoniously started to speak of an "Epidemic", which happens to be the most alarming status possible. I admit, everyone was taken aback with the news, in retrospect, it all looks different, mainly because of the fact that less than 300 people died of it in a period of 10 years. In order to understand the audacity of it, please consider the fact that over half a Million people die of normal flu every year. The persistent fear mongering,through the Media caused a massive increase in earnings for International pharmaceutical companies such as "Roche", who sold their "Tamiflu" world wide, to get an idea what we mean by "earnings", consider the British alone, bought over 14 million doses to accommodate their people.
Now we have a "Swine flue" phenomenon, and once again "Tamiflu" is thrown into the game, of course after a massive and effective media campaign to make sure we all know of a new dangerous Virus. That, raises the question of who are the people that have such influence and power to cause this psychological havoc throughout the world and at the same time sell the ridiculously ineffective "Tamiflu" which does not do much as to sooth the typical flu agitations. I doubt there to be anyone out there that still does not know the fact that "Gilead Sciences" owns the patent to Tamiflu and one of the biggest shareholders of this major corporation is "Donald Rumsfeld".
The conclusion, I leave to you but make sure you do your homework before you vaccinate yourselves.