BlackWater (Xe) the "Neo Crusaders"

In November 2008, I wrote an article "here" about Backwater the US militia army that was doing much of the dirty work seemed necessary for the neo-conservative establishment of the Bush regime in the what is now known as the "notorious Bush era". They have now renamed themselves into "Xe" pronounced "Ze", and are still very much active not only in Iraq and Afghanistan but as claimed also in Honduras and other hot spots throughout the world, maintaining and implementing the required pressure for promoting an agenda which can only be declared as the new world order, whilst the neo-conservatives are out of the White House.
For the sake of fairness, one has to differentiate between the "New World Order" as is known, and the policies of the "Xe" organization. I have to emphasize without defending the new order, that "Xe" is only a tool, and these mercenaries whose ideology of Christian supremacy,other words religious fanaticism are being used simply as an instrument to fight the illegal wars with illegal methods, very much like the 80's where the "Alqaeda" was founded to fight the "USSR", now the "Xe" was given birth to fight the aftermath of this "Alqaeda" phenomena.
The US so called "Think Tanks" never seem to want to learn from history,these organizations that they keep creating always bounce back and haunts the very societies they were suppose to serve, as did the Alqaeda,and the Taliban which was organized with Saudi Money at the behest of the USA by "Binazir Bhutto".
Underneath I have embedded, a clip so as to give you an idea what exactly, I am talking about.