Iranians in Germany

Iranians in Germany, are perhaps the best educated Iranians throughout Europe, They number around 120,000 of which about 30% are second generation. Iranians in Germany are renowned for their flexibility and adaptability. There are certainly a few "No Go" zones in Germany for foreigners generally (former East-German states) and Iranians are no exception, apart from that Iranians in Germany are some of the most successful immigrants in a country struggling to overcome their catastrophic demographic statistics. The adaptability of Iranians, should not be misunderstood as a mean to differentiate between the groups of Iranians scattered across Europe,but as a certain cultural compatibility between the Iranians and Germans. They simply like each other.
The geographical centricity of Germany, facilitates constant travel opportunities and cultural exchanges and (unlike the British isolation)gives the German society an elasticity that absorbs new ideas and cultures which in return raises the level of tolerance for the success of their immigrated fellow citizens.(who actually are starting to finance the pension system in Germany). So it could be seen as a 2 way street. There are around 8-10 million foreigners living in Germany, mostly Turks and Russians and the share of Iranians is truly marginal compared to them. Yet Iranians do leave their positive traces in their everyday lives.
Despite of this all, I doubt any rise in the number of Iranians settling down in Germany, since those who come, replace those who leave, Iranians generally, with their ambitions do reach certain social barriers that irritates them,(since Iranians usually consider themselves, Kings of the World ;)) and they do tend to leave and move to other more cosmopolitan environments, depending on their financial capacities. Astonishingly few Iranians from Germany move to US or Canada unlike their British/Iranian compatriots, but they move to Mediterranean countries
and resettle there without cutting their German ties.(other words, very much like the Germans themselves). That is generally a sign of contentment and happiness by the Iranians living in Germany and can only be matched with that of Iranians living in France.
As always,there is a shady side, because of the German history (Holocaust), there is a massive presence of Israeli or better said World Jewish Congress "prefects" in the German social and Media establishments, which oversees the rise and fall of political parties and personalities, making sure the balance is always kept to avoid any future populism that could affect public opinions regarding Israel and its policies. Therefore, all Israeli political enemies are systematically negated in the German press, which does not always stays in the press, but quite often is elevated into the German political spheres. Spotlight is on Iran at the moment. This anti Iranian stance in the German press, forces Iranians in Germany into the awkward position of trying to defend their countries of origin by defending Iranian policies, which are at times even more questionable than the Israeli policies( like the holocaust denial). The German individuals on the other hand, are always more than willing to acknowledge the even most far fetched explanations given by their Iranian friends simply because they like the Iranians, or simply because the Germans are too intelligent "not" to know how edited and compromising their press sometimes bedevils or glorifies a country or a political stream.
Needless to say, there are as always exceptions to the rule.
Be a darling and tell me more.
You as a German ought to know if this name rings a bell.
Let me know ,if I am mistaken.
Friedman is untouchable in Germany
I think I know what you mean now
Thank you for the response and great blog by the way