Iranians in France

France has been the oldest and most traditional host to Iranians compared to other nations. The number of Iranians living in France is surprisingly low, it does not exceed 25,000 of which perhaps 50% have French citizenships.
The first Iranian flux to France started in the early stages of the 20 century, where scientific and social developments in Iran resulted in state sponsored scholarships, dispatching the first waves of students to France. The second wave of Iranian emigrants to France, was a direct result of the revolution of 1979, which like all revolutions brings displacements and emigrations with itself. This second wave consists almost entirely of political or cultural emigrants and they form up almost 90% of the Iranian immigrants in France of today.
Iranians in France are generally very happy people, since almost all are above average educated, they also have little difficulty in assimilating in the French society. The French Judicial system is almost equal in its bureaucracy with the Iranian, which makes a lot of the cultural issues feasible (for Iranians), like publications and etc. Iranians living in France tend to stay there and furthermore enjoy a remarkable level of social respect by their host.
To sum up this "Iranians in....." series I give an estimate in the number of Iranians living in some of the countries ( only those with a reliable source)
Iranians living in..
USA / 1.5 Mil.
UAE / 400,000
Israel / 135,000
Canada / 120,000
Germany / 120,000
UK / 80,000
France / 25,000
Scandinavia / 60,000 ( only 17,000 proven Iranian)
Switzerland / 7,000
There are as ever, exceptions to the rules.