The truth about the Iranian unrest....

Lets be objective and impartial, not for and not against anybody in the Iran election, probably very difficult for many Iranians today but necessary to filter out the truth about what is actually happening behind the mirrors in Irans political sphere.
Iran has a powerful politician called "Rafsanjani" he was a 2 term president and 2 term Parliament speaker, to be more precise a true pillar of the Islamic revolution. He and his clan enjoy an unbelievable and opulent amount of wealth, which is known to have been acquired after the revolution and specifically during his term as President. He is now the chairman of the "Assembly of Experts" in Iran, which observes and supervises the Leader of the Islamic republic of Iran (the Assembly is elected every 8 years and consists of 86 Islamic clergies). Other words, the Assembly can replace the Leader.
Iran has a Supreme leader called "Khamenei" he was a 2 term president of Iran during the war (Iran-Iraq), and upon the death of Ayatollah Khomeini, was elected Leader of the Republic by the "Assembly of Experts", which was itself initiated by Rafsanjani.
Khamenei, has always had a reputation of being very passive, patient and to a large extend naive. Probably not the ideal person as a leader, but he was also known to be pious and incorruptible, very much a classical religious man. Many insiders claim, his election to this position was supposed to have been a guarantor for Rafsanjanis free hand in his economic and social policies.
To understand the characteristic differences between these two people, I refer to a recorded tape of a "SAVAK" (Shah's secret Police) torturer regarding the two,taken shortly after the revolution and shown on the TV in Iran in 1979. He (torturer) said Rafsanjani,used to attack us physically and verbally ,spitting and biting us upon entering his cell for interrogation, we had to grab him and tie him down. The same torturer claimed of Khamenei, that he used to pray and seek Gods help and prayed for strength loudly, sometimes tears could be seen, and was very passive and tried to fool us onto a wrong path, the torturer claimed , none of them cooperated, and both looked after each other and shared their fruits and treats with each other.
We have now the year 2009, we have a President in Iran that belongs to the war generation, the very generation that fought and spilled blood and had its blood spilled to preserve the revolution and Irans territorial integrity, whilst the likes of Rafsanjani became richer and richer, and these people with Ahmadinejad as its spearhead, have scores to settle, and they want Rafsanjanis accountability and the dismantlement of his massive network, managed by his clan. How they want it done ? Ahmadinejad declared before the election that if elected again, he will introduce a bill to Parliament, for all Iranian politicians and managers to openly declare their wealth and how it was obtained, other words complete financial transparency for the political elite of Iran. Ahmadinjed , has also managed to obtain the support of Khamenei on this issue and Rafsanjani is suddenly not amused.
Ahmadinjed might be a trivial character outside of Iran, but inside Iran and amongst the rural areas he is very much appreciated and he enjoys the support of the military elite and his comrades-in-arms during the war , and regardless of his sometimes embarrassing appearances on the international parquet, he is incorruptible.
The election is now over, and regardless of all the accusations of discrepancies, we all know that it is actually a conflict between Rafsanjani and Khamenei. Rafsanjani knows, once Ahmadinejad is officially declared winner, then Rafsanjanis countdown starts.
Rafsanjani declared an emergency meeting of the "Assembly of Experts" and failed to gain enough votes to replace Khamenei, with over 50 votes against and many abstention, Mussavi is Rafsanjanis protege, and when all of Rafsanjanis means are exhausted, then he shall accept the election results. What remains, is the spilled blood of many Iranian youths, that thought they were part of something special, not to mention the foreign medias short sightedness, thinking this to be a velvet revolution ,thus encouraging the Iranian youth to bang their heads against the batons of the Police.
Once again the naive and young become the play ball of the rich and powerful, and most upsetting, the reform movement will be demonized for this stupidity and allowing itself to be hijacked by Rafsanjani, for years to come.