"the cat will mew, and dog will have his day"

William Shakespeare, had a very peculiar view of things, and the above mentioned title is actually wiser than one might anticipate,,,, timelessness is another description for his words, the relevance of which we can cognate to todays global circumstances. Russia's emergence once again from the ashes of its Soviet Empire, has brought the AIPAC oriented US foreign policy into stagnation, and not a moment too soon, one might want to add. A Multi-Polar world is an equilibrium that serves everyone, meaning safety and security for everyone, not only for countries that accommodate US interests beyond their own. Problem as always is the chauvinistic gang of Neo-Cons running the US administration, still caught in the post cold war fantasy of Uni-polarism. These gang of thugs (Neo-Cons) are going to be protesting every upcoming Russian step towards reclaiming their turf of influence and quite honestly..... there isn't much the Americans can do to stop this and that could become a problem...