Vaccinating Egypt !

This once cradle of an unparalleled civilization, the land in which its scientists and mathematicians, its thinkers and inventors, used the through generations of incestuous intermarriages, genetically inferior Pharaohs and their manipulability, and made some of the longest-lasting, unique and enigmatic monuments, in the history of mankind. We should also not forget the Egyptian culture, after its Islamisation, which was not of lesser importance. Their Universities and philosophical centres were all magnets for all regional cultures and an inspiration for generations throughout centuries for peoples beyond its borders. Egypt’s ups and downs in history, have been fairly moderate, comparing it to other nations, one seems to get the impression that it all had its use for the Egyptian culture. The only deficit an observer might detect here is their inability to adopt positive and useful cultural features from their so-called cultural invaders, which due to its geo-political situation happ...