Beneath Contempt

Until the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the middle East stability from Washington's viewpoint was based on the Iran-Iraq balance of power. The US invaded Iraq on the assumption that it could quickly defeat and dismantle its government and replace it with a pro-American regime. By tapping Iraq's Oil resources they hoped to refinance their military expenditure to a large extend, even manipulate the OPEC pricing policy amongst others. The claim of restoring the balance of power was perhaps an issue that could ease some of the more skeptical politicians in the US. When that assessment proved inaccurate, Washington was forced to assume a policing role as well as acting as a shield to prevent Iran from dominating the country and thereby gaining control of the Persian Gulf. US and Iran both wanted to eliminate Saddam Hussein’s regime, they possibly even collaborated, although not proven. But from there, their goals diverged. The Iranians hoped to establish a system in Iraq that consisted of ...