Who is Amir Taheri

Amir Taheri is an Iranian of “Arab” origin, a very much celebrated reporter and analyst for mainly western media outlets. Amir Taheri was born in Ahvaz/Iran in 1942 .How he obtained his qualifications and what and who were his different promoters in life, we consider irrelevant. Important is, he is an outspoken anti Iranian person and usually turns up when MI6, has a “Black Operation” on the agenda against Iran. Amir Taheris articles and commentaries ought never to be taken seriously, except for an orientation of what the MI6 wants the news consumers to be preoccupied with. As an example of his style, I mention only one case… In June 2006, Amir Taheri claimed and wrote in the “Canadian National Post” that Iran was considering a new legislation, requiring “Jews” to wear distinctive clothing.. (Like the Nazi era, yellow Star of David), with this educated nonsense, he kick-started a series of articles in the western media. Needless to mention Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post jumped at the a...