Shia/Sunni simplified !

Let us, for the last time discuss the issue of the Shia/Sunni branches of Islam (since friends and foes constantly ask me about It.) what the differences are, and how could they be told apart in every day life. In fact, any descent and pious Moslem would not give a toss about whom and what branch of Islam one follows, furthermore the same group do not give a toss over whether one is Christian, Jewish or a Moslem, as long as they believe in the oneness of God . However, politics of any era always left its marks, shades and traces on all religions. Islam was no exception. It has been almost 1400 years since the emergence of Islam as a religion, and as soon as “Mohammad” passed away, the question of his successor became the cornerstone of this division. As “Ali” the prophet’s cousin (a candidate) was busy with the burial, some older, richer and more influential members of “Mohammad’s insider circle chose one of theirs instead. Shia means (Party of Ali) and Sunni means (Traditionalists). ...