Iran's real enemies !!

Who really are Iran's sworn enemies?? here I name a few individuals, and you make your own thoughts... 1-Chuck Robb (Charles Spittal)ex Governor, ex Senator, chairman of Iran Intelligence Commission. 2- Dan Coats (Daniel Ray Coats)ex Senator, ex US Ambassador to Germany 3- Dr. Michael Rubin a well known mad neocon of the National Review, an ex Giuliani advisor and obsessed with war on Iran. 4- Dr. Ken Katzman (Kenneth Katzman) Analyst on policy in the Persian Gulf region, a strong advocate of war on Iran. 5-John Bolton (John Robert Bolton)ex ambassador to UN, a true nut case of a neocon, a proven sexual swinger, morally decadent and unbelievably anti Iranian. 6-Dennis Ross (Dennis B. Ross) AIPAC member and chairman of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute that includes scores of Israeli Govt. Officials. 7-Steve Radmaker (Stephen Geoffrey Rademaker) BGR Lobbyist and anti Iran extremist. 8-Kenneth Weinstein (Kenneth R. Weinstein) Chairman of the Neocon Hudson Institue and a ch...