
Showing posts from July, 2008

Republic, or Empire?

America faces a stark choice, one that no major candidate for the presidency has articulated, let alone faced: do you want an empire, or do you want your old republic back? Seven years of constant warfare have taken their toll on your free and democratic institutions, as the power of the presidency has waxed and your own civil liberties have waned. The costs of empire, you are beginning to learn, are more than just losses on the battlefield: among the casualties may be your unique form of government and the very values you are supposedly fighting to preserve. The Founders of the American nation feared militarism and its consequences, and for good reason. They saw how the European empire-builders abused not only their colonial subjects, but also their own citizens. The Founders resolved never to let that happen in America. Yet it is happening.Vote OBAMA and make a difference, reclaim your stolen country from the criminal gang running it before its too late. .

Viva Israel !!!! (What more is there to say..)


USA and Racism

Racism has been a major issue in America since the colonial era. Historically, the country has been dominated by a settler society of religiously and ethnically diverse Whites . Major racially structured institutions include slavery, settlement, Indian reservations, segregation, residential schools and internment camps(Indians). Racial stratification has occurred in employment, housing, education and government. Although racial discrimination was largely criminalized in the mid-20th century, major inequalities persist. The heaviest burdens of racism in the country have fallen upon Native Amis, Asian Amis, Blacks, Latinos and some other immigrants and their descendants. Racist attitudes, and prejudice are still held by substantial portions of the population. Members of every American ethnic group have perceived racism in their dealings with other groups. These are some of the facts, and the fact that the US Administration counter argues against official impeachments by the independen...

6. September 2007

This date (6.Sept.2007) and what exactly happened that particular midnight, is perhaps the most typical of what one might expect from todays system of Governance in the United States of America, their wars and politics, and their audacious expectations that nobody shall ever find out. So, lets explain what around 10 pm Baghdad local time a squadron of 6 F15E and 6 F16 Falcon took off from Baghdad's International Airport around 15 km outside of Baghdad, their target was Al-Tibni a small town in Syria, following up on information that, there they will find the actual arms Storage facility they had been looking for, storing those deadly IED's and other ammunition that kept turning up in Iraq despite of permanent Border observations on the Iranian-Iraqi side. That particular Arms hub was rented by a certain Saudi Businessman two years ago and financed through a French Bank. The place has a famous name its called "Al-Kibar" and the Syrian Govt. has bee...

Remember the future

There is this indisputable fact, that every possible political and military move the USA has undertaken in the last decade, has been one way or another to the benefit of the Iranian System and Iran as a whole. The destruction of the Talliban regime ( an Ideological enemy of Iran and Shia branch of Islam). The Destruction of Saddam Hussein (the national enemy of Iran). The constant saber rattling over war against Iran (thus increasing Iran's income).... All the above mentioned actions are only the major issues that have geopolitically increased Iran's influence and prowess,,,, there are so many smaller issues that are not in the headlines, but have decisive effects in the long and short term strategic policies and roles of Iran and the USA in the middle east.. astonishingly all and this blogger means all... are to the benefit of Iran. This makes you wonder, who is this idiotic bureaucrat making these strategic decisions trying to safeguard long term American interests. (Iranian...